About me

Are you looking for inspiration? Well, you are on the right place! My goal is to inspire you through my designs and share with you new ideas and techniques. Right now, I’m designing for Trinity Stamps and WOW! Embossing Powder and I’m thrilled! In addition, I’m taking the Altenew Educator Certification Program and I will be sharing all my knowledge through this amazing journey. I have a Bachelor on Marketing & Communications and I’m also a Chef. I started this crafty adventure on December 2017 and since then I’m so passionate about cardmaking. I’m a Christian  married woman and mom of 3 incredible kids.

25 thoughts on “About me”

  1. Hi there! I was really admiring a floral card that is yours & I saw it today on Pinterest. Beautiful! I cannot FOR THE LIFE IF ME find Any extra heavy (100 LB?( black card stock!
    Although I went to Neenah in Atlanta, Georgia and found something that meant paying $20 to ship it to me! My local craft store was useless too. Simon. Does not have it. Nor does Amazon. Can you help?
    Thanks! – Heather

    Liked by 1 person

      1. FANTASTIC!! I would NEVER have thought to check at Michael’s , as they seem to have less and less. Card-making things to offer anymore. I was able to click your link & order some right away! I ordered all of the things you used to make that wicked cool card!
        You are a mom of 3 , a Christian, and look about 18! Are they triplets? I am a Christian too! Praise God! 🙏 I have two sons : one heard to Med school and the other one with Down syndrome and ASD . He is 18 and my other is 21.


      2. Now I know which card are you talking about! I love that card, is one of my favorites 😍. I’m 38, however that picture is not from recently but I hardly take pics of me so I guess it will stay there for a while 😆


  2. You may not want to see them…lol! I want them to look like yours but that would be a huge challenge!! I would not know how to send them to you( a picture) via this method of communication either.
    Have a good day! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I managed to have saved a pic of your card and went from that. Am grateful for your instructions though and am going to drop your email into my card making ideas folder NOW.
        Is there an actual email address where I can send you my pic? I did not stray very far from your inspiration just so you know. Liked it so much! Thanks!


      2. Is there another way to email you?
        I have a blog that I use for writing about my son who has special needs. Originally, I wanted to add pictures of cards that I had made just to brighten it up but I have no idea how to do that ( I use WordPress as well but am not savvy at all with computer technology). Did you have to get help doing this or was it all intuitive??


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